Dear Nathaniel,
Sorry about yesterday, I was too ill to do anything, let alone use a computer. But we were thinking about you the whole time, I knew I just had to get better for you. I'm still not completely well which is why I'm a bit delayed in doing this today. The days I'm not able to write to you make me feel very unfulfilled, I'm glad I'm able to do this for you at least.
We went to see your grave today, the white flowers on the teddy and heart are turning purple and it looks really nice. I hope we're able to pick a lovely gravestone for you, it might feel more complete once one is put in, things still don't feel real, and it's really difficult to cope with that. I know that I'll get through this for you my love.
Today we're listening to an old favourite with Gentle Giant's Octopus. It's one of my favourite Gentle Giant albums, but it is really difficult to pick a favourite out of their first seven albums. They're all really good and there is a distinctive change in their sound between each album, but it still retains that wonderful GG charm. I could listen to Gentle Giant all day if I had the choice, and there have been days where I've done just that.
As a progressive rock band Gentle Giant haven't drifted towards the long compositions and 20 minute epics, rather going for fast paced multi-instrumental songs to make the best of their talents. It can be very refreshing to listen to this style of prog from time to time. Gentle Giant were never a band to just go with the crowd like that, and write 20 minute epics because that's what was expected.
The high-point of this album for me is the instrumental The Boys in the Band, I just really enjoy high energy instrumentals like it, and it really shows what the band was capable of. I know you'll love this, it's just really nice and fun, and I hope you don't mind I was a bit late today. We were just out visiting you for awhile and then we went to get some shopping in .
I love you so much my little son, Yngve Nathaniel William Fjermestad. It's really nice to see your name, and to say it and write it out. One of my little daily pleasures is writing the Dear Nathaniel at the start of each letter to you, it just feels so nice and right. I'm really glad I can do this for you my sweet angel.
I think everyone should give this album a go, it's a real gem even for people who have written off prog completely. It's just straight up good music, and I think anyone should be able to appreciate that. I hope that I didn't wake you my sleepy little angel, and I hope that you have a great night. Goodnight my sweet angel Nathaniel.
Love from Dad.
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