Thursday, 6 October 2011

Day 29: Creedence Clearwater Revival - Willy and the Poor Boys

Dear Nathaniel,

Hello again my love. I really wish I could be stronger for you, but things are still too hard day to day. I really want to be able to do anything, but in the end I end up doing nothing. It's suddenly really cold after a really warm start to October and it's just weird having everything being different.

We're staying in the 60's even longer and we're still in America today. Creedence Clearwater Revival were protesting in their own way, but by this point protest was very fashionable and Creedence were very popular on both sides of the Atlantic. At the time their southern rock stylings were just what the public wanted and CCR were happy to oblige. Releasing six albums over the course of three years and then running into differences and eventually disbanding with a terrible seventh album a couple of years down the line. At their height CCR burnt bright, perhaps too bright.

CCR has always been a favourite with me throughout the years, and their distinct sound and continued popularity make it nice to listen to when out with friends. I can't really think of anyone I know disliking CCR, they're simple straightforward and just fun to listen to. The thing about Southern Rock is that distinctive guitar sound that just sounds so cool. Lynyrd Skynyrd has it, Canned Heat has it, the Allman Brothers has it too. You always know what you're going to get with Southern Rock when you feel the urge to listen to it.

This is one of the styles of music I feel has been forgotten in the studio nowadays and although I'm sure there are a lot of good bands playing this style of music today they haven't been able to capture it in the studio. Of course a lot of the 60's-70's bands are still playing but they're not creating the same level of music they did back then. I've never really thought about it until now, I mean Prog Rock still has the banner flown high by The Mars Volta, straight up rock has various bands still making good music, just not exactly in the mainstream, but for something as popular as southern rock was there's nothing to fly the flag with new material.

I'm really not sure what my favourite CCR album is, given how good I find all of their first six albums but I suppose that just shows how good they were. I'm pretty sure I've gone off on a huge tangent right now, but that's just how it is when I start talking about music. Whatever I've been talking about I'm completely lost for words right now. I know you'd learn these things about me and be able to set me straight if I ever started ranting about things.

I can feel you by me my angel, I miss you. Tomorrow it will have been five weeks since you were born, that just doesn't seem real, time just feels like its lost all meaning. Days of the week don't feel like they matter unless they're Monday or Friday. I feel like I've never needed music as much as I do now, yet I find it hard to listen to it when I'm not writing to you, I feel like I should force myself to listen to more music, like I used to. I think I might throw on another album after this my love and just relax. Goodnight my angel Nathaniel.

Love from Dad.

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